Similar words: prime time, prime, perimeter, primeval, prime mover, sump pump, prime number, prime minister.
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1. This is a simple test to get me going, to "prime the pump," so to speak.
2. Stolen food aid helped prime the pump for market growth.
3. These experiences prime the pump for you to rely on God thru you more and more directly and consistently.
4. Prime the pump if the case does not contain liquid.
5. Not surprisingly, Krugman instead, hails Keynes as the advocate of fiscal stimulus that would "prime the pump" through deficit spending and government sponsored job creation.
6. But it won't be enough for government to become the buyer of last resort -- in Keynes's words, to prime the pump.
7. If you're having a hard time imagining what an education in entrepreneurship should include, allow me to prime the pump with some lessons I've learned along the way.
8. This year, instead of making the same old New Year resolutions, perhaps it would be more meaningful to prime the pump with the very qualities you would like to see more of in your lift !
9. Next to it, Desert Pete has left a note urging the reader not to drink from the jar hidden there but to use its contents to prime the pump.
More similar words: prime time, prime, perimeter, primeval, prime mover, sump pump, prime number, prime minister, pump, pumpkin, in the public eye, from time to time, born to the purple, take the plunge, beside the point, take the place of, meth, crime, prim, method, methane, primus, primal, primly, war crime, the private sector, something, methodism, primate, primary.